Joseph Stalin

美 ['dʒoʊzəf ˈstɑlən]英 ['dʒəʊzɪf ˈstɑːlɪn]
  • 网络约瑟夫·斯大林;约瑟夫 斯大林
Joseph StalinJoseph Stalin
  1. Joseph Stalin and Soviet Munitions Industry Before World War II


  2. He 's has been compared to both Joseph Stalin and the hapless comedy character Mr Bean .


  3. Joey : You know there already is a Joseph Stalin ?


  4. Joseph Stalin , taken by surprise , found his military overwhelmed by the German onslaught .


  5. Joey : Joseph Stalin . I think you 'd remember that ! Chandler : Oh yes !


  6. In the Soviet army it takes more courage to retreat than advance . " - joseph stalin "


  7. A telephone conversation is reputed to have taken place between Franklin D. Roosevelt and Joseph Stalin .


  8. Six members of Joseph Stalin 's infamous secret police have become the heroes of Russia 's latest set of stamps .


  9. I recently read that during World War Two , Joseph Stalin had a research program to create supersoldiers by having women impregnated by gorillas .


  10. Joseph Stalin is the Fiddler on the Roof .


  11. Among those who gawped in wonderment was Joseph Stalin .


  12. On the other hand the Soviet leader Joseph Stalin mistrusted the United States as well as Britain and to a lesser extent France .


  13. Apologists for Joseph Stalin used to justify such brutality by arguing that you could not make an omelette without breaking eggs .


  14. Bye Bye Birdie , starring Joseph Stalin .


  15. The Soviet leader Joseph Stalin , however , wanted the uprising to fail so that the Soviet occupation of Poland would be uncontested .


  16. The Soviet government under the command of Joseph Stalin terminated the project and in1938 arrested and executed Kalinin for espionage and sabotage .


  17. Caught off guard by the invasion , Soviet leader Joseph Stalin instructed the Russian people to " scorch the earth " in front of the German invaders .


  18. A statue of Joseph Stalin that had stood in his hometown in Georgia since the1950s was quietly removed to a museum overnight by the authorities .


  19. This was true of Ivan the Terrible and Joseph Stalin . It was true , too , of radical reformers such as Peter the Great and Vladimir Lenin , equally authoritarian but widely approved of because their target was the elite .


  20. Nikita Khrushchev , the first secretary of center of Soviet Communist Party ( SCP ), delivered two reports to this Congress in which he put forward new views on international situation and sharply criticized Joseph Stalin , leading to common concern and shock of countries all over the world .


  21. Yevgeny Khaldei was in Moscow when the Soviet army overran Berlin , but he quickly left for Berlin on the orders of top Soviet officials , possibly Joseph Stalin himself . His orders were to produce images that depicted the Soviet victory in Germany .
